It has been a whirlwind few months. I am grateful daily to the incredible amount of light and love that I see and receive all around me. Whether a random message from a friend, family love, a side comment of comfort, or the most beautiful weather (I'm in Florida) that lights up the beauty in the world, I am overwhelmed. This overwhelmed feeling of gratitude reminds me that I have actually felt this feeling before. Like when I drive to the beach to see a sunrise, watching the light slowly melt away the darkness as I blast my music rushing to not miss a moment of the transition. In those moments I am struck so deeply, I sometimes cry. I used to question whether that was "ok" to cry. I assumed it was because I was tired and SHOULD HAVE BEEN SLEEPING, but once I slowed my mind and took a moment, I realized that my tears were my response to being overjoyed with gratitude.
I receive a lot of comments about going to the beach so often, since I have to share the amazing beauty with others. When asked why I go so often, I try to explain why the beach is "my place." Not only is it stunning, but it is where I feel God's presence. Where Torah and Psalms come alive. The beach grounds me and helps me connect my heart and soul with God.
Since I used to be someone who felt I was valued by how much I gave to others, how I made people feel was put before how I felt often. Through my healing or "wising" journey through the years, the beach and nature are places where I can feel everything that is REAL. It's where my mind clears and God appears. They remind me that I have the power within me to give to others but also make space to give to myself.
Since realizing this, I have been able to give so much more of myself and reach out bravely in this world towards goodness, love and faith. It's an amazing discovery to realize that you can only give to others as much as you give yourself. That one can only love others as much as they show love to themself. I realized the secret after trying it myself, of course. The secret is, the amount you can give and share is endless when you start loving and connecting to yourself in this deep way.
Nature, the beach, and the clouds, are pictures I share because they calm me. Giving the pictures away helps me bring others closer to the beauty and gratitude that overflows in my heart. This beauty is reflected also when someone cares and shows me who they are. I still tear up in these moments of true connection and am grateful that these moments surround my life. I love watching others shine from within (and reminding many of their light when they forget).
When we turn off the noise around us and focus on the natural beauty in nature, all those who love us, the prayer and music that stirs our soul, God enters and reminds us that these gifts are endless. Love, light, nature, spirituality, music is where God lives in me and I hope to always continue to share my passion with others even in times of complication. My journey will always be towards light and I hope you continue to join me and be inspired to also show yourself- because you have so much light to share. Have a wonderful week!